What Is Mil-Spec?

Use of Mil Spec

When you hear the word “Mil-spec” you might have images of soldiers in combat gear walking around in heavy armor and helmets, fighting through severe weather and uncomfortable conditions. While this is definitely a type of Mil Spec material it is far from the only type available. The military often uses materials which are of a higher grade of Mil Spec when there is a need to have a more durable product that will stand up under adverse conditions. Materials such as PVC, rubber, polyester, and other synthetic fibers are used for coatings, ventilation, padding, lining, and much more. Even non Mil Spec products can be found with a high degree of durability and dependability. This is because while Mil Spec needs certain standards for manufacturing, they do not have standards for what should be used as protective coverings.

There are numerous advantages of using materials which are of a higher Mil Spec standard, which includes many advantages for the consumer as well. Since the materials are more durable, more expensive, and have greater durability they are able to last longer than materials which meet standard specifications. In addition to having a longer life span, the Mil Spec protective coating is able to offer higher levels of protection. Since the protective coating also offers higher levels of durability the price of the protective layer decreases and thus the quality and effectiveness are also enhanced.

In addition to the more durable materials which are Mil Spec, they also provide added protection to the wearer. When a material is protected under Mil Spec, it means that the item is less likely to be scratched, dented, or broken. In fact, the protective coating also tends to make objects which do scratch or dent easier to remove, which improves the overall safety of an item which has been subject to impact or abrasion.

what is milspec

How is Mil Spec Used

What is Mil Spec isn`t just about materials used in products, but about the way the materials are applied to the object itself. The protection that is offered from particles which are able to penetrate the surface is greater, and since the coating itself will be able to offer greater levels of protection from abrasion, the item will last longer and perform better. When objects wear against Mil Spec they become more resistant to impact and other forms of damage, which improve their ability to provide the user with the best possible level of protection. There are also some cases where what is Mil Spec is not a matter of what is actually contained within the product itself, but rather a matter of what is placed on the surface of the product.

Items can be made to Mil Spec if that item contains materials which are capable of resisting moisture and will not be affected by chemical reactions. For example, glass is Mil Spec since it is not affected by water or other liquids, and a glass vase is not Mil Spec if it does not contain a protective coating. Glass vases are often used to display floral arrangements, and while they would remain safe if made from glass which was Mil Spec, if the floral arrangement itself contained a layer of an anti-cling bonding agent, the vase would be damaged. Similarly, items such as silverware will be fine if they are manufactured from materials such as sterling silver which has been treated to resist tarnishing.

Items may be classified as being Mil Spec if they fall into one of the following three categories. Materials which are specifically required to prevent damage when the item is used, materials which are only needed for specific purposes, materials which can be employed in several different ways to accomplish the intended purpose, and materials that cannot withstand being used multiple times. These are the three main categories under which Mil Spec materials fall. It should be noted that all three under this classification can be applied to similar products, and the difference between what is Mil Spec and what would be classified as pre-Mil Spec is solely to do with how the materials would react when they are put to use, and what the precise purpose of the item would be. However, some materials which fall under Mil Spec are still subject to further classification, depending on what their ultimate use is. This is because the cost of manufacturing a product would be increased by using certain elements which might not be necessary to achieve the intended results.

For more information on Mil Spec, check out this article: https://custommaterials.com/what-is-mil-spec/